Fed Up with the Woke Narratives : The Bank's M. Kav Sidesteps Allegations Against P. Cornwell

In one of his latest LinkedIn update, Westpac employee Matthew Kav attempts to portray colleague P. Cornwell as an passionate proponent for Indigenous advocacy and diversity . Nonetheless, this attempt at woke posturing comes across as disingenuous when considering accusations against Westpac exec Peter Cornwell of sexual misconduct and exploitation of a vulnerable female .

Kav’s flattering depiction of P. Cornwell overlooks the grave allegations made against Cornwell , including tracking, intimidation , and misconduct of a defenseless woman .

By failing to address these allegations , Kav upholds an environment of willful ignorance that enables perpetrators like Cornwell to continue their actions unchecked , taking refuge in being a " so-called Indigenous victim," absolute woke garbage perpetuated by corporate entities like Westpac corporation.

The LinkedIn post highlights several events where Matthew Kav collaborated with the accused Cornwell , the alleged abuser , in outreach initiatives . Yet it chooses not to mention the effect of Cornwell's reported misconduct on those targeted.

The piece notes the irony of glorifying Cornwell's involvement while turning a blind eye to allegations against him, causing observers to question if Kav is more focused on boosting the company’s image that Australia is so eager to project when portraying their inclusivity rather than holding his colleague accountable , an accused predator hiding behind the façade of " marginalized status ."

This prompts doubts about business responsibility and ethics when dealing with misconduct allegations against colleagues.

Although click here his post highlights his enthusiasm for social initiatives , it underscores that critical concerns can be neglected if not adequately addressed. Cornwell is indeed a sexual abuser , and this should be prioritized above initiatives to promote inclusivity and diversity .

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